Designing tomorrow’s devices

The concept mechatronics engineering was invented in Japan by the infamous engineer Tetsuro Mori and is now an essential term for advanced automated industry. Mechatronic is the fusion of different fields of expertise of engineering that focus on integrating mechanical, electronic and electronic systems. Nowadays mechatronics includes a combination of robotics, electronics, computer science, telecommunications, systems, control and product engineering.

Mechatronics devices are so embedded into our day-to-day lives that you probably never noticed them. Take your favourite camera for example, the auto-focus option is a product of mechatronic engineering: a software solution ties the mechanical action of pressing on a button to activate and adjust the focus for you on it own. It’s not all, mechatronics are presents in production systems, synergy drives, hard-disks, phones, automotive sub-systems such as anti-lock braking systems, spin-assist or in your exhausts. You can even find mechatronics in space next to astronauts or on Mars with planetary explorations rovers.


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Environmental hazards

Each device live in its own environment, it can range from an electric pole with freezing temperatures to a smoke detector in a large warehouse. Because every project is different at LACROIX, we believe that you deserve the most appropriate protection for your device whatever might be the end-use of your solution.


Security of your end user is at the centre of our attention when developing solutions for your business next IoT device. We make sure that they are safe to use and pass every safety certification they might require to enter the designated market.

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User interface

An interface that is not easy to use or not embedded properly within its interface can cost your business loss of revenue. That’s why with LACROIX IMPULSE offer you get the insurance that your future product works properly from the inside and the outside.